Calleagris jamesoni C.A.R PH


Jameson’s Skipper Butterfly

Sex: Male

Quality: A- (average) one antenna missing.

Format: Unmounted, papered, wings folded, requires relaxing and settinng

Availability: 1 in stock SKU: WB5032


Taxonomy Identification: Family Hesperiidae, Named by Doumet in 1861.

Colour: Colouration topside (recto)  brown with large white patches, black spots and fine black lines. The underside (verso) hind-wings are brown with white and black.

Size: Wingspan 25-40mm

Comments & Applications: A wide ranging species found throughout the Neotropical region. Commonly called the Jameson’s Skipper butterfly. Ideal for framing, drawing, painting and much more.

Format: Unmounted, papered, wings folded, requires relaxing and setting

More information: External Link

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