About Us


A unique website offering the highest quality dried insect specimens and equipment
Specialist entomological suppliers with over thirty years experience
All stock either captive bred or sustainably sourced


For many people the first experience of Insects is in childhood. That experience and what you are told by adults can shape the way you think about these fascinating creations. Maybe it was a worm, spider, caterpillar, butterfly or some other creature you found in the Garden that you promptly picked up and carried in the house to show Mum or Dad! Maybe you kept your little find in a jam jar for a few days before letting it go? This curiosity for touching and interaction with insects was the norm years ago. Sadly as children grow, minds and opinions are formed and paths are made, then insects are not given much of a second look. You may marvel at them on T.V. or in books, but nothing can replace hands on interaction with insects, as you experienced in those early years! For myself I was lucky enough to be helped to the next level by a local Entomologist and I spent a few happy years rearing and breeding various species of Moth and Butterfly. However the Lepidopterists Breeders Association (trading name) aka “The World of Butterflies & Moths” (wobam) offers you the chance engage again with the world of butterflies and moths!

Sadly the art of entomology has often been vilified as macabre or even unethical. However thousands of entomologists worldwide enjoy breeding and rearing Moths and Butterflies offering a wealth of knowledge and experience hitherto unknown by any other means. These tireless individuals help keep alive breeding programmes and promote conservation. Various release sites have shown that species can be successfully introduced/re-introduced under the correct circumstances. In third world countries insect rearing and sustainable harvesting is helping support local communities thus forestalling agricultural practices such as deforestation.

The World of Butterflies and Moths offers a unique opportunity to share in and enjoy the world of insects with peace of of mind. Why not start your collection today?


1. To widen the scope of Public awareness and encourage Study of Moths, Butterflies and Entomology via hands on practical interaction.
2. To encourage the young to take an interest in the world around them, especially insects.
3. To undertake and support captive Breeding programmes and reintroduction efforts.
4. To offer quality captive bred and sustainably harvested dried (papered) and set (pinned) specimens, equipment, books and support for the active field Lepidopterist and insect photographer.
5. To help third world economies financially via over-sea breeding Farm’s.
6. To encourage conservation of the environment by means of “Butterfly & Moth” minded Gardening, planting and management.
7. To observe, marvel and enjoy through hands on interaction practical entomology.
8. To address misconceptions concerning captive breeding and reference collecting of insects.

Habitat loss and modern agriculture has played a significant role in the destruction of insect species, especially in industrialised lands. Each of us can play an active role in helping Moths and Butterflies, wether that is by planting a “Butterfly Bush” or helping locally at Nature reserves. Butterflies and Moths can be restored to their former glory in the UK and throughout the world if we work together. All facets of Entomology when working together can achieve this. Observation and interaction should be a right of all and we hope that you will support this belief.

Our Cliental
Over the years we have supplied livestock and specimens to the BBC for use in their Natural History documentaries and various drama’s including Dr Who and Holby City. We have provided specimens to leading Museums and Universities including the Natural History Museum, Victoria & Albert Museum, Cambridge University etc. We hope our cliental base reassures you of our commitment to our ethics.

The LBA/WOBAM is ran by Jason & Jenny Wright. Jason has been breeding Lepidoptera since childhood and has built up a wealth of practical knowledge and experience. Supported by their children Jason & Jenny operate the LBA as a small family run enterprise. Outside practical support comes from Volunteers and fellow breeders.

Jason is also an ordained Christian minister (B.E.F.) with a Bachelor of Theology degree. He works to promote the “Kingdom of God” among all people and supporting the growing scientific evidence for Intelligent Design. – Discovery Institute  – In this regard Jason concurs with the statement of eminent entomologist Bernard d’Abrera who in his book “Concise Atlas of the Butterflies of the World” describes evolution as “viscid, asphyxiating baggage” that requires “blind religious faith” to believe. For a working example of the impossibility of evolution see the DVD “Metamorphosis” – for critical analysis see “Explore Evolution

PLEASE NOTE, We are NOT open to the public and cannot accept visits. CONTACT US HERE