Dead-stock & Equipment – Terms & Conditions

DEAD-STOCK & EQUIPMENT Terms & Conditions

Definitions and Quality codes;

SPECIMENS PAPERED/UNSET. Dried dead-stock supplied as papered/unset will come with closed wings in paper triangles in the case of Lepidoptera or loose on card with cellophane wrap in the case of other insects/coleoptera.

SPECIMENS SET. Dried SET dead-stock is supplied mounted on a pin. Winged insects will be supplied with spread dried wings (excluding coleoptera) SET specimens are supplied in card boxes and need moving to entomological cases for preservation and storage.

Quality codes:

A1             = Perfect no marking or obvious damage to wings or antenna. Note: Legs on Butterflies/Moths are not guaranteed

A1 –           = Near perfect, some wing rubbing but not obvious – occasionally loose abdomens or antenna (repair with PVA)

A –
             =  Obvious damage to wings – antenna loose or damaged – abdomen may be loose (repair with PVA)

A2             = Poor, excessive wing damage or antenna missing. For reference only.

We do our very best to grade and check insects before dispatch. In the case of lepidoptera where wings are folded we have to trust our suppliers grading, as we cannot see inside the wings. Occasionally grading is in error. In such cases we are happy to refund or replace returned items. 

PLEASE NOTE: Dried insects are very fragile. We cannot guarantee that legs on butterflies and moths will be complete. Sometimes these are broken or missing. On larger bodied insects, especially Sphingidae and Saturniidae greasing or mould can sometimes be present on the abdomens. This can be brushed off and treated with acetone. On occasion abdomens come loose from the thorax and require re-fixing with PVA glue. Male Morpho butterflies will have their bodies removed, this is to prevent grease leeching into the wings. Dragonflies and damselflies are renowned for needing major repair work on the abdomens. Please ensure you comprehend that all these situations are part and parcel of insect taxidermy.

 IF the items do not meet the customers satisfaction or arrive damaged the item/s must be returned for refund/replacement within 7 days. All returns and postal costs MUST be paid by the customer. Return costs are the customers responsibility. Please remember to check quality codes before ordering and make sure you are ordering the correct status viz. Papered or Set.


All equipment that arrives damaged must be reported to the courier or post office at delivery, especially GLASS items. All returns must be made with-in 7 days for replacement/refund. Return postage is the responsibility of the customer. For more help please e-mail contact form

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