Argopteron aureipennis ARGENTINA


Gold Plated Skipperling Butterfly

Sex: Male

Quality: A- (average) wings in good order, but loose/broken or missing antenna

Format: Unmounted/papered

Availability: Out of stock SKU: WB14597


Taxonomy Identification: Family Hesperiidae, Named by Blanchard in 1852

Colour: the topside (recto) surface layer of the wings is dark brown with gold spots. The underside (verso) of the wings is bright gold on the males while the female has brown forewings.

Size: Wingspan 20-30mm

Comments & Applications: A stunning little butterfly with gold underwings hence its common name the Gold-plated Skipperling. This butterfly is very rarely offered for sale and limited in range to Chile and Argentina. A butterfly for the serious connoisseur.

Format: Unmounted, papered, wings folded, requires relaxing and setting

More information: External Link

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