Marbled Fritillary Butterfly
Sex: Male
Location: Poland
Quality: A1- (good)
Format: SET, spread wings mounted on pin
- Description
Taxonomy Identification: Family Nymphalidae, first named by Bergsträsser, in 1780
Colour: Topside (recto) is predominantly orange-brown, with black spots and lines. The underside (verso) The underside of the hind-wings have a yellowish postdiscal band and the marginal area is completely suffused with purple, with a marble effect.
Size: Wingspan 45-55mm
Comments & Applications: The butterfly’s common name Marbled Fritillary” comes from the marbled affect on the hind-wing. Absent from Britain but widespread in Europe across the Palearctic regions.
A popular species with collectors and the trade. Ideal for butterfly framing, domes, artwork, photography, interior design, film and reference collections.
Format: SET with wings spread mounted on a pin with locational data
More information: Wikipedia – Captive Breeding