
Callicore pygas Godart’s Numberwing PERU

Original price was: £8.95.Current price is: £5.95.

Texa Numberwing butterfly

Sex: Male

Quality: A- (average) missing or damaged antenna

Format: Unmounted, papered, wings folded, requires relaxing and setting

Availability: Out of stock SKU: WB9984


Taxonomy Identification: Family, Nymphalidae, First named by Godart in 1824

Colour: The base colour of the topside (recto) forewing is black with reddish orange patch and thin orange bar at the apex of the wing. The hindwing is dark blackish brown sometimes with a purple-blue hue. The underside (verso) forewing is similar but paler with additional blue margin while the verso hindwing is much “busier” with thick black lines blue margin and blue spots.

Size: Wingspan 48-55mm

Comments & Applications: The callicore family contains some of the most beautiful patterns on small delicate butterfly’s of any genre. Commonly known as the numberwing butterfly due to the arrangement of patterns on the verso hindwing. This is one of the rarer collectable species. Perfect for applications in framing domes, artwork, photography, interior design and film

Format: Unmounted, papered, requires relaxing and setting

More information: External link

Additional information


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