
Colias croceus CLOUDED YELLOW butterfly


Clouded Yellow Butterfly

Format: SET / Mounted on pin

Captive Bred 

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SKU: WB5693


Taxonomy Identification: Family Pieridae, first named by Geoffroy, in 1785

Colour: A sexually dimorphic butterfly.

Male: The topside (recto) of the male is bright orange-yellow with a single black spot on each forewing and wide grey-black wing border. The hindwing (recto) is edged orange-yellow with reddish orange spot and dark grey-black border. The male underside (verso) forewing is yellow with a black spot with a broad yellowish-green wing border. The hind-wing verso is yellowish-green with twin white eye spots bordered in orange. Outer wing edge pinkish.

Female: The topside (recto) forewing of the female is orange yellow with a single black spot on each forewing and broad black marginal border centred with yellow patches. The hindwing (recto) ranges from orange-yellow to a dark greenish-yellow with a large reddish-orange eye spot and yellow and black dashed marginal border. The underside (verso) forewings have an orange-yellow patch with single black eye spot. The forewing marginal borders are greenish-yellow with a row of black dashes. The female verso hind-wing is greenish yellow with faint row of black spots and central white eye spot circled in reddish-pink. Outer wing edge pinkish.

Size: Wingspan 40-50mm

Comments & Applications: A beautiful bright yellow-orange coloured butterfly, the Clouded Yellow is primarily an immigrant to the UK, originating from north Africa and southern Europe. Very popular with the trade due to its bright colours, ideal for butterfly framing, domes, artwork, photography, interior design, film and reference collections.

Format: Choose either Papered / unmounted OR SET with wings spread mounted on a pin with locational data

More information: WikipediaCaptive Breeding

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