Cymothoe beckeri Becker’s creamy yellow glider CAMEROON
£1.85 – £13.95
Becker’s Creamy Yellow Glider Butterfly
Format: Unmounted, papered, wings folded, requires relaxing and setting
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- Description
Taxonomy Identification: Family Nymphalidae. First named by Herrich-Schaeffer in 1858
Colour: The topside (recto) of the male is creamy yellow with pale central patch and dark brown outer margins. Wing edges scalloped. Hind-wings various shades of dark to reddish brown with cream patches. Female completely different coloured dark blackish brown covered in white patches and marks and overall bluish hue.
Size: Wingspan 65-75mm
Comments & Applications: One of the several “glider” butterflies from Central African Republic, commonly know as Becker’s creamy yellow glider. This is one of the less common species and not so often seen for sale. Perfect for the hobbyist, collector or for use in craft and design applications.
Format: Unmounted, papered, wings folded, requires relaxing and setting
More information: Wikipedia – Captive Breeding