Cyriopagopus minax tarantula THAILAND


Asian Earth-Tiger Spider

*Massive examples* Impressive*

Sex: Female

Quality A1 (Perfect)

NOTE: Please expect some dehydration and discoloration of the abdomen. This is a normal occurrence in soft bodied spiders.

Availability: 28 in stock SKU: WB13370


Taxonomy Identification: Family Arachnidae, First named by Thorell in 1897, formerly Haplopelma minax

Colour: Velvety jet black

Size: Legspan in packet top to bottom 140-160mm

Comments & Applications:  Wow! A huge tarantula species, known commonly as the Asian earth Tiger. A popular species among the art and craft industry, photography, framing, interior design, film, entertainment and educational purposes

Format: Supplied Unmounted, papered, requires relaxing and setting

More Information: external link