
Danaus plexippus Monarch PERU


The Monarch butterfly

Sex: Male or FM depending on availability

Quality: A-/A1- (average to good) odd broken antenna

Format: Papered/unmounted wings folded requires relaxing and setting

Availability: 9 in stock SKU: WB12248


Taxonomy Identification: Family Nymphalidae, Linnaeus 1758

Colour: Brightness variable. Fresh males are bright orange with black veins, females a little darker. Black edges with white spots. The underside (verso) is similar in colour but paler.

Size: Wingspan 80-100mm

Comments & Applications: The Monarch is a truly iconic butterfly famous for its thousands of miles of migration across South, Central and North America. Very popular with the trade for butterfly framing, domes, artwork, photography, interior design and film

Format: Male or Female depending on availability. Unmounted, papered, wings folded, requires relaxing and setting

More information: Wikipedia – Captive Breeding