Gasteracantha irradiata Spiny Orb Spider THAILAND

Spiny Orb or Kite Winged Spider

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SKU: WB4768

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Taxonomy Identification: Family Arachnidae was first named by Walckenaer in 1841

Colour: Extremely variable colouration and patterns, from dark reddish brown to light pale-cream. All specimens have either continual or broken stripes contrasting its darker coloured body.

Size: Width (including spike) 20-25mm

Comments & Applications: A fantastic looking spider, notable for the “spike” on either side of the body/carapace. Also called the “Kite winged Spider”. A popular “curiosity” species among collectors and the trade. Perfect for framing, taxidermy domes, artwork, and educational applications.

Format: Unmounted, papered, requires relaxing and setting

More information: WikidataCaptive Breeding