Jamides philatus emetallicus BACHAN


Burmese Caerulean Butterfly

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SKU: WB14078


Taxonomy Identification: Family Lycaenidae. First named by Rober in 1886

Colour: The topside (recto) of the male is pale blue edged in a thin black line with black spots on lower hind-wings, while the female topside is darker grey-blue with a thick black edge to wings. Female hind-wings have a white frilled line filed with black spots. The underside (verso) of both sexes is similar – greyish brown with fine white lines and zig-zags toward the outer edges of the wings fading toward the centre. At the bottom edge of each hind-wing is a row of black spots the largest of which has a orange edge.

Size: Wingspan 20-25mm

Comments & Applications: A small delicate species, quite rare and collectable. Commonly known as the Burmese Caerulean butterfly. Dried butterflies make the perfect subject for school science projects. Also for framing, domes, photography, interior design and film applications.

NOTE: Small Lycaenidae are notoriously difficult to taxidermy – not recommended for beginners.

Format: Unmounted, papered, wings folded, requires relaxing and setting

More information: WikipediaCaptive Breeding