Junonia cymodoce Blue Leaf Butterfly AFRICA


Blue Leaf Butterfly

Format: Unmounted, papered, wings folded, requires relaxing and setting

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SKU: WB15644


Taxonomy Identification: Family Nymphalidae, first named by Cramer in 1777

Colour: (Topside) Black with vivid blue central patch and orange bar.  The underside of the wings are camouflaged in various shades of brown with small eyelets.

Size: Wingspan 60-80mm

Comments & Applications: A beautiful and seldom offered butterfly from subsaharan Africa with vivid blue sheen on topside wings and eye catching orange bar. Commonly called the Blue Leaf butterfly due to its colour and leaf-like shape camouflage. This is a sought after collectors species and also popular for framing, domes, artwork, photography, interior design and film.

Format: Unmounted, papered, wings folded, requires relaxing and setting

More information: External linkWikipediaCaptive Breeding

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