Lamproptera curius White Dragontail CHINA

The White Dragontail 

Format: Papered/unmounted

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SKU: WB7028

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Taxonomy Identification: Family Papilionidae. First named by Fabricius in 1787

Colour: The topside (recto) is brownish black with an oblique white bar crossing all four wings. The extremely long “tails” are black edged in white. The underside (verso) is similar but paler.

Size: Wingspan 40-50mm – Trailing tails 25mm

Comments & Applications: A stunning little butterfly commonly known as the White Dragon-tail Butterfly. A delicate species not recommended for beginners as the “tails” often require repair.

Dried butterflies make the perfect subject for school science projects. Also for framing, domes, photography, interior design and film applications. Bulk buy for artwork

Format: Papered, unmounted requires relaxing rehydration and setting

More information: External link – Captive Breeding       

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