
Limenitis camillia White Admiral

White Admiral Butterfly

Format: Choose either SET/Mounted or PAPERED/Unmounted

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SKU: WB5750

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Taxonomy Identification: Family Nymphalidae. First named by Linnaeus in 1764

Colour: The topside (recto) is black with thick white bar which runs across forward and lower wings. The underside (verso) is an intricate mix of black spots and pencil thin lines. Base colour reddish-brown with thick white bar and patch of blueish-grey on inner edge of hind-wings

Size: Wingspan 54-66mm

Comments & Applications: A common European species, widespread in the south of England spreading into Wales and Northern England. Commonly known as White Admiral butterfly. Dried butterflies make the perfect subject for school science projects. Also for framing, domes, photography, interior design and film applications.

NOTE: UK examples are either captive bred or from antique collections.

Format: choose SET wings spread mounted on a pin OR Unmounted, papered, wings folded, requires relaxing and setting

More information: Wikipedia – Captive Breeding       

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