
Southern White Admiral Butterfly

Format: Choose either SET/mounted on pin or Papered/unmounted

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SKU: WB8708


Taxonomy Identification: Family Nymphalidae. First named by Staudinger in 1901

Colour: The topside (recto) of the wings is brown-black with metallic blue sheen. The recto forewing has white patches and faint dotted black and white margin. The recto hindwing has a row of white with more defined black spotted margin.  The underside (verso) shows similar patterning but the ground colour is reddish-brown, with a silvery basal area, a row of white markings and a row of black spots.

Size: Wingspan 45-54mm

Comments & Applications: A widespread species, found in central and southern Europe east into the Balkans and across into the Middle East. Commonly known as Souther White Admiral butterfly, being similar in appearance to the White Admiral. Frequenting light woodland, forest glades and in forest edges. Popular among collectors and ideal for photographic, art and design projects.

Format: Choose SET wings spread mounted on a pin OR Unmounted, papered, wings folded, requires relaxing and setting

More information: Wikipedia – Captive Breeding       

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