Lycaena hippothoe PURPLE EDGED COPPER

Purple Edged Copper Butterfly

Format: Choose either SET/mounted or Papered/unmounted

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SKU: WB8717

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Taxonomy Identification: Family Lycaenidae. First named by Linnaeus, in 1761

Colour: A sexually dimorphic species. Male butterflies have a copper orange topside (recto), a small black spot on forewing with purple-black wing margins. Male hind-wings often have a darker purple patch. The female topside (recto) is darker with orange forewings with black spots on and a dark patch on the hindwing. The underside (verso) forewings are a pale orange-brown with black spots, the hind-wing is tan brown with row of white spots terminating in a pale orange patch.

Size: Wingspan 34-38 mm

Comments & Applications:  This butterfly inhabits forest edges, swampy and damp meadows, clearings and river banks, at an elevation of 400–1,800 across northern and eastern Europe, absent from Britain.  A stunning and beautiful butterfly with purple copper sheen. Cabinet specimens are seldom offered for sale.

Our unique selection of British and European butterflies is a perfect stepping stone into building your own cabinet reference collection. Also useful in education and taxonomy. An ideal subject for closeup photography, film, media, artistry, interior design, craft frames and dome applications.

Our British and European butterflies are all ethically sourced, they originate from either captive bred stock, or old antique collections. Butterfly collecting within this ethical boundary is perfectly sustainable and in no way harms wild populations. Why not start your own butterfly reference collection today for posterity.

Format: Choose either SET, wings spread, mounted on a pin, OR Papered/unmounted requiring relaxing and setting.

More Information: External link

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