Morpho cisseis gahua PERU


Cisseis Blue Morpho 

Format: Unmounted, papered, wings folded, requires relaxing and setting

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SKU: WB7677


Taxonomy Identification: Family, Morphini, First named by Blandin in 1988

Colour: Male: dark brown to black, with blue bar across all four wings. Occasional patterning on wing margins and some male forms have additional orange patches. Females are more orange and generally lack the blue. Underside (verso) brown with intricate silvery-cream patterns and eyespots.

Size: Wingspan 140-180mm

Comments & Applications: Huge Morpho butterfly, one of the largest butterflies in South America. Very popular with the trade for frames domes, artwork, photography, interior design and film

NOTE: Our stocks of this species are captive bred. The abdomens have been removed to avoid body fat leaching into the wings, a process known as leaching.

Format: Male. Unmounted, papered, requires relaxing and setting

More information: Wikipedia

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