
Papilio Maackii Green Alpine Swallowtail CHINA


Green Alpine Swallowtail butterfly

Format: papered/unmounted

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SKU: WB7369


Taxonomy Identification: Family Papilionidae, First named by Ménétries in 1859

Colour: The forewings of males are black and speckled with many green scales. The underside of the wings are brown. The hindwings are black and speckled with blue and purple scales and have a tail. There is an eyespot on the side closest to the body. The underside of the hindwings are a darker brown and lined with red or orange spots.

Size: Wingspan Summer brood 110-140mm; Wingspan Spring brood 60-70mm

Comments & Applications: A huge and impressive species with beautiful colouration. English common name: Chinese Green Alpine Swallowtail. Very popular species used in science, education, butterfly framing, domes, artwork, photography, interior design and film applications.

Format: Unmounted, papered, wings folded, requires relaxing and setting

More information: WikipediaCaptive Breeding