Papilio paris Tamil Peacock butterfly


Paris or Tamil Peacock Swallowtail Butterfly

Format: Unmounted, papered, wings folded, requires relaxing and setting

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SKU: WB7376


Taxonomy Identification: Family Papilionidae. First named by Linnaeus in 1758

Colour: Black wings covered in a dusting of green speckles. Hind-wing has large blue-green patch with pink eye marking. Underside wings black with grey-white veins on forewing, hind-wing dusted with white speckles and edged in red-pink and blue half moons. Female similar to the male, topside forewing has the green postdiscal band shorter and more incomplete than in the male, hindwing blue patch also shorter.

Size: Wingspan 80-95mm.

Comments & Applications:  This stunning swallowtail is always popular with entomologists and hobbyists for its eye-catching colours. A perfect subject for art and design projects or photography, film, great for entertainment and educational purposes.

Format: Supplied unmounted, papered, on a card base, requires relaxing and setting

More Information: Wikipedia Insect Farming

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