Pieris napi Green Veined White
Green Veined White Butterfly
Format: Choose either SET / mounted or Papered / unmounted
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- Description
Taxonomy Identification: Family Pieridae. First named by Linnaeus in 1758
Colour: The female topside (recto) wings have two black spots on each forewing, the male only one. The veins on the wings of the female are usually more heavily marked. The underside hind-wings are pale yellow with the veins highlighted by grey-black scales giving a greenish tint, hence its common English name; the green-veined white.
Size: Wingspan 38-52mm
Comments & Applications: A common species throughout its range, easily mistaken for a Small White butterfly. A pretty butterfly perfect for school science projects. Also ideal for framing, domes, photography, interior design and film applications.
Our unique selection of British and European butterflies is a perfect stepping stone into building your own cabinet reference collection. Also useful in education and taxonomy. An ideal subject for closeup photography, film, media, artistry, interior design, craft frames and dome applications.
Peace of Mind: Our British and European butterflies are all ethically sourced, they originate from either captive bred stock, or old antique collections. Butterfly collecting within this ethical boundary is perfectly sustainable and in no way harms wild populations. Why not start your own butterfly reference collection today for posterity.
Format: Choose either SET/mounted wings spread, mounted on a pin, cabinet ready with locational data OR Unmounted, papered, wings folded, requires relaxing and setting
More information: Wikipedia – Captive Breeding