
Polyommatus icarus Common Blue butterfly


Common Blue Butterfly

Format: Choose either SET / mounted or Papered / Unmounted

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SKU: WB5638


Taxonomy Identification: Family Lycaenidae. First named by Rottemburg 1773

Colour: The dorsal side of the wings is an iridescent lilac blue, bright violet-blue, or almost hyacinth-blue with a thin black border. Females’ wings are brown or black-brown with a row of red reddish yellow spots along the edges of the wings (marginal spots) and usually some blue at the base. The extent of blue and brown is extremely variable depending on location.

Size: Wingspan 28-36mm

Comments & Applications: A sexually dimorphic species, brilliant blue males, females wildly variable. It is widespread species throughout Britain. Nice collectors specimens also perfect for art projects and educational reference.

Format: Supplied SET, wings spread, mounted on a pin, cabinet ready with locational data OR Papered unmounted requiring relaxing and setting

More information: WikipediaCaptive Breeding