
Pontia daplidice BATH WHITE


Bath White Butterfly

Format: Choose either Papered/Unmounted OR SET/Mounted

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SKU: WB8731


Taxonomy Identification: Family Pieridae. First named by Linnaeus in 1758

Colour: The topside (recto) of box sexes is white edged in black, the female having one extra black spot on forewing. The underside (verso) of both sexes is similar – white forewings with greenish makings, hindwings green and white.

Size: Wingspan 37-45mm

Comments & Applications: A delicate white butterfly, common in Europe but a rare immigrant to the United Kingdom. The common name of this butterfly comes from a piece of needlework that figures this species, supposedly showing a specimen taken in or near Bath in 1795. Dried butterflies make the perfect subject for school science projects. Also for framing, domes, photography, interior design and film applications.

Format: Choose either SET/Mounted on pin cabinet ready OR Unmounted/papered with wings folded, requires relaxing and setting

More information: Wikipedia – Captive Breeding 


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