Prosopocoilus giraffa borobudur EAST JAVA


Sex: Male

Quality: A-/A1- (average to good)

Format: Papered, unmounted requires relaxing and setting

Availability: 16 in stock SKU: WB12237


Taxonomy Identification: Family Lucanidae, first named by Mizunuma & Nagai in 1991

Colour: Overall colour black.

Size: Length of beetle measuring from tip of jaw to the end of abdomen is 80+mm (excludes legs and antenna).

Comments & Applications: This is a large collectable stag beetle. Applications include reference collection, framing, domes, artwork, photography, interior design and film

Format: Male. Unmounted, requires relaxing and setting

More information: External link – Captive Breeding

Additional information


Prosopocoilus giraffa timorensis PAPERED x1 Male A1 60-65mm (£8.95)