
Pseudacraea boisduvali C.A.R. (A-)

Original price was: £5.95.Current price is: £3.95.

Boisduval’s False Acraea butterfly

Sex: Male

Quality: A-/A1- (average to good)

Format: Papered/unmounted wings folded needs relaxing and setting

Availability: Out of stock SKU: WB12767


Taxonomy Identification: Family Nymphalidae, first named by Doubleday in 1845

Colour: (Topside) Base colour of the forewings are dark with black streaks and orange red patch. Hind-wings orange-red with darker margin. The underside of the wings are similar but much paler and with additional outer margin of pinkish black circled spots.

Size: Wingspan 70-85mm

Comments & Applications: A lovely red-orange and black butterfly with elegant long hooked forewings. Commonly called the Boisduval’s False Acraea butterfly. A seldom offered species which works well for framing, domes, artwork, photography, interior design and film.

Format: Unmounted, papered, wings folded, requires relaxing and setting

More information: Wikipedia– Captive Breeding

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