Rhaphidophora obesa Giant Camel Cricket PAIR


Giant Camel Cricket  

Sex: Male & FM (Pair)

Quality: A- (average) Not perfect, loose joints, missing or broken antenna

Format: Unmounted/Papered

Availability: 1 in stock SKU: WB14488


Taxonomy Identification: Family, Orthoptera > Rhaphidophorinae. First named by Karny in 1924

Colour: Dark brown .

Size: Measuring from tip of head/jaw to end of abdomen excluding legs 50-70+mm

Comments & Applications: A very strange looking creature, commonly known as the Camel Cricket distinguishing features include large humped body (more so on the female) and huge spiked legs. Set specimens can measure over 150mm! A must have for reference collections. Applications include art, design, graft, wall hangings framing domes, photography and education

Note: Legs occasionally need repair after rehydration

Format: Unmounted, papered, requires relaxing and setting.

More information: External link

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