Vindula dejone celebensis SULAWESI


Malay Cruiser Butterfly

Sex: Male

Quality: A1- (good)

Format: Papered/unmounted

Availability: 15 in stock SKU: WB4993


Taxonomy Identification: Family, Nymphalidae, First named by Butler in 1874

Colour: A sexually dimorphic species, the male butterfly is orange-brown with black lines and small eyelets. The female is large and a dark olive brown. The underside (verso) wings on box sexes are pale brown with black markings and blue eye spots.

Size: Wingspan 70-80mm

Comments & Applications: This is a widespread butterfly found throughout Asia with many localised sub-species. Commonly called the Malay Cruiser butterfly. Always a popular choice among butterfly framers and the wider art and crafts movement.

Format: Unmounted, papered, requires relaxing and setting

More information: Wikipedia

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