Agrotis cinerea LIGHT FEATHERED RUSTIC (1953)


Light Feathered Rustic Moth

Sex: Male or FM

Location: Kent England

Quality: A- (average) swings in good condition, missing left antenna

Format: SET, spread wings mounted on pin

Availability: Out of stock SKU: WB9278


Taxonomy Identification: Family Noctuidae. First named by Denis & Schiffermüller, 1775.

Colour: Extremely variable colouration. Forewing varies from light grey to dark brown with patterns and lines prominent in some specimens, lighter or absent in others. Hind-wings variable from cream-white to brown.

Size: Wingspan 33-40 mm

Comments & Applications:  Distributed mainly in the south of England, but also in the Welsh hills, the favoured habitats are calcareous soils, shingle beaches, quarries and similar stony areas. Perfect if you are building a British moth reference collection. Useful in other educational and science applications also film, media, artistry and interior design

Format: Supplied SET, wings spread, mounted on a pin, cabinet ready with locational data

More Information: External link