Euclidia (Callistege) mi MOTHER SHIPTON

Mother Shipton Moth

Format: Choose either SET/mounted Or Papered/Unmounted

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SKU: WB12642

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Taxonomy Identification: Family Erebidae. First named by Clerck in 1759

Colour: Base colour yellow with darker brown bar and lines. Hind-wing pale yellow with darker outer edge. Highly variable, some specimens less yellow and more brown.

Size: Wingspan 25-30 mm

Comments & Applications:  Widespread and locally common Britain, scarcer further north. This is a fast day-flying moth frequenting open habitats, waste ground and downland. A beautiful species which derives its English name from the markings on the forewing, which appear to show an old lady or witch’s head.

Perfect if you are starting your own British Moth reference collection. Also useful in education, film, media, artistry and interior design, craft frames and domes.

Format: Choose either SET, wings spread, mounted on a pin, cabinet ready with locational data OR Papered/Unmounted requires relaxing and setting

More Information: External link