
Catocala fulminea Yellow Bands Underwing POLAND

Original price was: £9.95.Current price is: £7.95.

Yellow Bands Underwing Moth

Sex: Male

Location : Poland

Quality: A1- (good)

Format: Unmounted / Papered

Availability: 1 in stock SKU: WB5108


Taxonomy Identification: Family Erebidae. First named by Scopoli in 1763

Colour: Forewings brown with grey-white bar and yellowish-black patterns. Hind-wings orange-yellow and black.

Size: Wingspan 44-55mm

Comments & Applications: A stunning underwing moth from Europe. Absent from the United Kingdom. Commonly called the Yellow Bands underwing moth. Nice collectors specimen also perfect for art projects and educational reference.

Format: Supplied Papered / unmounted requires relaxing and setting.

More information: Wikipedia – Captive Breeding