Furcula bicuspis ALDER KITTEN England


Alder Kitten Moth

Format: SET, wings spread, mounted on a pin, cabinet ready with locational data

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SKU: WB6135


Taxonomy Identification: Family Notodontidae. First named by Borkhausen in 1790

Colour: Forewings white with dark slate-grey, almost black bands. Hind-wings white with grey dotted margin.

Size: Wingspan 35-40 mm

Comments & Applications:  Kitten moths derive their common name from their cute fluffy grey-white appearance ‘pussycat moths’ – the larvae of this species feed on Alnus trees, hence the common name ‘Alder Kitten’. This species has a restricted distribution in the United Kingdom, occurring mostly in southern half of England.

Thinking about starting your own British moth reference collection? We have a large range of captive bred and antique British moths in stock. Also useful in education, film, media, artistry and interior design, frames and domes.

Format: Supplied SET, wings spread, mounted on a pin, cabinet ready with locational data

More Information: External link

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