Hypolimnas mechowi C.A.R Male A1-


Sex: Male

Quality:  A1- (good) antenna complete

Format: Unmounted, papered, wings folded, requires relaxing and setting

Availability: 7 in stock SKU: WB4580


Taxonomy Identification: Family Nymphalidae, first named by DeWitz in 1884

Colour: the topside (recto) wings are black with large white spots and patches with blueish sheen, while the underside (verso) wings is coloured similar but with an additional reddish brown bar.

Size: Wingspan 70-90mm

Comments & Applications: A large attractive butterfly from Central African Republic. A more unusual collectable species, perfect for trade applications; art photography, craft, jewellery, wall hangings, research etc.

Format: Unmounted, papered, wings folded, requires relaxing and setting

More information: External Link

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