Lacanobia oleracea BRIGHT-LINE BROWN-EYE England


Bright-Line Brown-Eye Moth

Format: choose either SET/mounted OR Papered/unmounted

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SKU: WB9228


Taxonomy Identification: Family Noctuidae. First named by Linnaeus in 1758.

Colour: Forewing glossy brown with various patterns, white lines and a pale orange/brown spot. Hind wings brownish black with some white.

Size: Wingspan 32-37 mm

Comments & Applications:  A common and widespread species. Ideal for reference collections, education, film, media, artistry and interior design

Format: Choose either SET, wings spread, mounted on a pin, OR papered/unmounted requires relaxing and setting

NOTE: Relaxing and setting small moths is not recommended for the beginner! If you are a novice where possible choose SET/mounted specimens.

More Information: External link